- Contract signature: 15/11/2010
- OS start of work: 15/12/2010
- Contract Completion: 11/29/2013
- Contract period: 1080 days
- Contractual end date taking account of the amendment: 07/31/2015 (outside the Bardo station)
- Contract period: 1690 days
- TTC Market Price: 29 144 091 722 DT
The progress of the studies is around 90%.
Lot 3 : STATIONS | TYPE | % Avancement des études |
ERROUDHA | SS + RDC | 98% |
BARDO | SS + RDC | 26% |
EL BORTAL | SS + RDC | 100% |
MONOUBA | RDC + 1 ET + 2 ET | 98% |
LES ORANGERS | RDC + 2 ET | 100% |
GOBAA | RDC + 1 ET + 2 ET | 100% |
The overall physical progress is about 82%.
- Saida Manoubia Station: Works technical premises (power station) – painting;
- Mellassine Station: Floor covering gallery, basement painting, electricity;
- Erraoudha Station: Energy Station (masonry), preparing the paint medium;
- Bardo Station: Excavation and blinding concrete;
- Station El Bortal: Work of technical rooms (power station), steps wall coverings sandstone paint to support preparation;
- Mannouba Station: Epoxy resin walk stair – shuttering, reinforcement and slab casting power station, monolayer coating and painting;
- The Orange Station: Works technical premises (power station), aluminum carpentry, painting for carrier preparation;
- Gobaâ Station: safety railings and painting work of the technical premises (power station).
- Saida Manoubia Station: Formwork and pouring slab girders and power;
- station Mellassine Station: aluminum and wood joinery, painting and electrical work;
- Erraoudha Station: Job Coating energy, painting;
- Bardo Station: Formwork and reinforcement raft and sails;
- Station El Bortal: Formwork and Reinforcement slab and girders (power station), painting, handrail;
- Mannouba Station: Painting, aluminum, masonry and plaster (power station), woodwork;
- The Orange Station: monolayer coating + Masonry and plaster post energies, woodwork;
- Gobâa Station: Concrete slab and sill reinforcement + (power station), aluminum, paint, railings, wooden joinery.