The Tunisian speed railway Company has as a mission , the pursuit of Network studies related To Tunis’ public transport and the implementation of the rapid rail network for the development of an efficient public transport system.
The main objective of the Tunisian Speed Railway Company is to :
- Create a Rapid Railway Network in Tunis and all the appendices and bifurcations ,as well as building multimodal stations and implementing all the works
- Follow all studies , commercial , financial and land actions in relation with the project whether in direct or indirect manner , as well as all the necessary procedures to serve the common interest of the Company.
The RTS’s objective is to offer a Network which is efficient, accessible and adapted to each , based on the economic, social and environmental challenges in our society.
We in RFR , do offer services , carry out projects and deploy efforts that meet our ambitions.
- Answering the appealing demand of transport via the main corridors depending on the projected changes in demographic and urban dimensions.
- Developing a system of multimodal transport with the development of connected stations and relay car parks to encourage motorists to use public transport
- Participating in the reduction of every individual transport which tends to reduce pollution, protect public spaces by improving the fluidity of traffic to control energetic consumption and participate in the decongestion of Tunis’s agglomeration.
Studies | Network
Studies | Network
Artwork | Stations
Artwork | Stations